Online gallery
original paintings, drawings, prints and cards
Welcome to our online gallery where you will find limited edition signed prints, original pen and ink drawings and an exclusive selection of original pochade paintings for sale.
Pochade Paintings
The word 'pochade' comes from the French for 'pocket'. Pochade or pocket paintings, are small intimate studies designed to capture the immediacy and essence of a scene, whether it is colour, shape, or movement.
Andrew’s pochade painting box is never far from him, as inspiration can strike at any time. It could be the colours on the creek noticed on the school run or the way the light reflects through the rain on the town street when dashing to the shop in the late afternoon or simply one of the chickens grazing outside the studio. The pochade box offers an immediate way to constantly record information and the ‘first graspings’ which often lead onto new subject matter.
A voracious reader and student of art history and technique, Andrew threads his vast knowledge through these thoroughly modern, small joyful pieces which are a celebration of little fleeting moments of beauty that Andrew sees around him.
These pocket pictures are an intimate insight into Andrew’s thought process both as a painter and as a spectator of the world around him.
All paintings are available to either purchase from the website or direct from 'The Paintbox' studio at Valley View, Treliever, Penryn, TR10 9EU during opening hours of 11-4pm on Thursdays or by appointment at any other time. Please contact us to discuss.
All original pochade paintings are framed with a distressed-effect white studio frame unless otherwise stated. My larger works are framed in an open wooden moulding and finished in Farrow & Ball 'Slipper Satin'. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any bespoke mounting or framing options other than those stated on the item.
All products may be returned for full refund at buyers cost within 14 days of puchase
Welcome to our online gallery where you will find limited edition signed prints, original pen and ink drawings and an exclusive selection of original pochade paintings for sale.
Pochade Paintings
The word 'pochade' comes from the French for 'pocket'. Pochade or pocket paintings, are small intimate studies designed to capture the immediacy and essence of a scene, whether it is colour, shape, or movement.
Andrew’s pochade painting box is never far from him, as inspiration can strike at any time. It could be the colours on the creek noticed on the school run or the way the light reflects through the rain on the town street when dashing to the shop in the late afternoon or simply one of the chickens grazing outside the studio. The pochade box offers an immediate way to constantly record information and the ‘first graspings’ which often lead onto new subject matter.
A voracious reader and student of art history and technique, Andrew threads his vast knowledge through these thoroughly modern, small joyful pieces which are a celebration of little fleeting moments of beauty that Andrew sees around him.
These pocket pictures are an intimate insight into Andrew’s thought process both as a painter and as a spectator of the world around him.
All paintings are available to either purchase from the website or direct from 'The Paintbox' studio at Valley View, Treliever, Penryn, TR10 9EU during opening hours of 11-4pm on Thursdays or by appointment at any other time. Please contact us to discuss.
All original pochade paintings are framed with a distressed-effect white studio frame unless otherwise stated. My larger works are framed in an open wooden moulding and finished in Farrow & Ball 'Slipper Satin'. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any bespoke mounting or framing options other than those stated on the item.
All products may be returned for full refund at buyers cost within 14 days of puchase